"Ileya. Antilopengehörne. Kinder von Geschw. Kruppa. Hausangestellte." ("Ileya. Antelopes' horns. Bre[thren] Kruppas' children. Domestic servants."). Three Africans are standing in front of the porch of a thatched house holding antelopes' horns on which two white children are sitting. Another child is holding smaller horns on the right-hand side. An African woman is standing on the porch in the background. Karl Alfred Kruppa (1874-1945) was a joiner before he became a missionary of the Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine in 1902 after he had gotten married to Marie Elisabeth (1874-unknown), née Binder. He stayed in Utengule from 1902 to 1906 and in Ileya (Mwanda) from 1906 to 1910 where he was in charge of the foundation of a new mission station. In 1916 he was made prisoner of war by the British until 1919 after which he returned to Germany together with his wife.
black-and-white slide no. 4678 photographic prints, 11.8 x 9.0 cm. photographs
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