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Image / Nancy Reagan campaigns for husband, Ronald

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Nancy Reagan campaigns for husband, Ronald
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Herald Examiner Photo Collection
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Nancy Davis Reagan (born Anne Frances Robbins in 1921) was married to Ronald Reagan from 1952 until his death in 2004. She was the First Lady of California from 1967 to 1975, and First Lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989. After Ronald Reagan's presidency ended, the couple retired to their home in Bel Air. In 1994 Ronald was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and Nancy devoted most of her time caring for her ailing husband until his death on June 5, 2004. She continues to reside at their Bel Air home, and has remained active within the Reagan Library and in politics, particularly in support of stem-cell research.
Photograph caption dated November 8, 1966 reads, "Meeting their party workers were last-day assignments for Mrs. Ronald Reagan, at left, and Mrs. Edmund G. Brown." Note: Mrs. Brown (Bernice Layne Brown) is not pictured.
1 photographic print :b&w ;19 x 19 cm. on sheet 26 x 21 cm.
Photographic prints
Herald Examiner Collection
HE box 8245
Reagan, Nancy,--1921-2016
Politicians' spouses--California
Governors' spouses--California
Political campaigns--California
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner photographs
Herald-Examiner Collection photographs

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