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/ Oral History of Trubee Schock

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Oral History of Trubee Schock
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In this oral history, longtime Mill Valley resident and energetic citizen Trubee Schock recounts her civic involvement in Mill Valley over several decades. Born in New York in 1935, Trubee grew up in Southern California. Trubee recounts attending Beverly Hills High School, where she became very involved in student activities, swimming, and social life. After graduating from high school, she moved up Northern California and attended San Jose State University, where she pursued a degree in commercial art. Trubee recounts her life as a young woman in San Francisco after graduation, working in the advertising department of the famous White House department store and living in the Spreckels Mansion in Pacific Heights, which had been converted into a residence hall. In 1963, Trubee moved to Mill Valley with her husband James and her sons. Trubee describes how she got involved with the American Association of University Women and the impact that had on the trajectory of her life. Trubee discusses her civic involvement over the years, including serving on the committee in Mill Valley to celebrate the bicentennial of the United States, creating the Memorial Day Parade, and developing the Milley Awards. Throughout the interview, Trubee recalls many friends, mentors, and colleagues she knew and worked with over the years. Considering the future of Mill Valley, Trubee expresses her hope that people will continue to get involved in the community. In a written addendum to the interview, Trubee describes her experience working for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District for two decades.
American Association of University Women
Angiulo, Joe
Art - Mill Valley
Barnard, Jean
Behr, Peter
Boarding houses
Bridges - Marin County
Carpenter, Don
Champlin, Bill
Cipollina, Mario
Community centers
Community service
Department stores
Emerson, Lyman
Fishkin, Mark
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District
Greenwood, Bob
Hazen, Vernon
Hunter, Don
Lewis, Huey
Libberton, John
Lieberman, Sali
Life is a Lousy Drag
McFadden, Cyra
Memorial Day
Memorial Day Parade
Mill Valley Arts Commission
Mill Valley Bicentennial Committee
Mill Valley Community Center
Mill Valley Creative Achievement Award
Milley Awards
MV history - Music and counterculture (1960s and 1970s)
O'Hanlon, Ann
Oral History - Volunteerism and activism
Oral history - Volunteerism, activism
Outdoor Art Club
Ruedy, Alison
Schultz, Vera
Schwartz, Leah
Smith, Marilyn
Spreckels Mansion
Storm of 1982
The White House department store
Topper, Evie
Volunteer work
Wallace, Kit
Wasserman, Abby

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