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/ Attendite a falsis p[ro]phetis qui ueniunt ad uos in uestimentis o[m]niu[m]

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Attendite a falsis p[ro]phetis qui ueniunt ad uos in uestimentis o[m]niu[m]
Alternative Title
Lapidarius Quomodo virtutes pretiosorum lapidum augmentantur Physiognomia
Aristotle, attributed name
Brandis, Lucas, printer
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Huntington Library
History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Rights Information
For information on using Huntington Library materials, please see Reproductions of Huntington Library Holdings:
In three parts: the Lapidarius attributed to Aristotle, the Quomodo virtutes pretiosorum lapidum augmentantur and the Physiognomia. Signatures: [a¹⁰ b-d⁸ e⁶ (a1, e6 blank)]. Imperfect; initial and final blank leaves (leaves [a]1, [e]6) lacking. Large initial on leaf [a]2r in red and blue, subsequent initials in red or green (some initial spaces left blank); rubrication in red. Binding: panelled calf.
Title from beginning of text on leaf [a]2r. Place and date of imprint from colophon; printer from ISTC. Goff, A-998 Hain-Copinger, 1777 GW, 2389 BM 15th cent., II, p. 546 ISTC, ia00998000 Proctor, 2601 Mead, H.R. Incunabula in the Huntington Library, 1560
[80] pages ; 27 cm (Folio)
Minerals--Early works to 1800
Precious stones--Early works to 1800
Physiognomy--Early works to 1800
Medicine, Ancient
History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Bookplate on front pastedown: Bibliotheca Richteriana.

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