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/ Oral History of Patrick Williams

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Oral History of Patrick Williams
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In this oral history, innkeeper, retired fireman, and prolific storyteller Pat Williams recounts his life and expresses his deep connection to Mt. Tam. Born in San Francisco in 1948, Pat grew up in a military family that moved repeatedly during his childhood and adolescence. Pat describes how after high school he joined the Navy which brought him back to the Bay Area, where he discovered his vocation for firefighting, but was then deployed to Vietnam. Following his discharge from the military, Pat returned to the Bay Area, enrolling in the fire sciences program at College of Marin. Pat discusses his career as a fireman in Marin County, including a six-month period in 1969 when he served as a fire lookout on Mt. Tam. He also discusses his family: his wife Colleen and their two daughters Jennifer and Tami (the latter named after Mt. Tam). While still with the fire department Pat began volunteering as an innkeeper at the West Point Inn, where this oral history was recorded, and Pat shares numerous entertaining stories - some true, others invented - from his years on the mountain.
Barkley, Jennifer
Civil rights leaders
Civil rights movements
College of Marin
Dodge, Washington
Evans, Charlie
Fire departments - Marin County
Fire fighters
Fire fighting
Fire lookout stations
Homeless persons
Klu Klux Klan
Larkspur Fire Department
Military service
Mountain biking
Mt. Tamalpais
Naval personnel
Oral history - Local business
Oral history - Local government, police, firefighters
Rippingham, Mary Jane
Ross Valley Fire Department
Vietnam War
West Point Inn
Williams, Colleen Coleman
Williams, Francis
Williams, Patrick
Yost, Gary

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