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Image / Stadttor von Fumban

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Stadttor von Fumban
Town gate, Fumban
Wuhrmann, Anna (Ms)
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Rights Information
All the images (photographic and non-photographic) made available in this collection are the property of the Basel Mission and are managed by mission 21. mission 21 / Basel Mission claim copyright on the images in their possession and require those publishing any of the images--both individuals and organisations--to pay a user's/copyright fee.
Contact the Archives of mission21 at address mentioned or at
mission21, Missionsstrasse 21, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland, tel. (+41 61 260 22 42), fax (+4161 260 22 68)
Note: "Stadttor. Der schönste Weg in Bamum ist die 'Schlossallee'. Zu beiden Seiten der breiten Strasse stehen uralte Baumriesen. Und schlanke Schlinggewächse ersticken in ihren Umarmungen manche Bananenstaude. Mitten über den Weg ist das Tor 'Mfa' gebaut. Natürlich ist die Bauart dieses Tores keine solide, dass es eindringende Feinde aufhalten könnte. Es ist eine armselige Hütte aus Palmrippen und hat nur den Zweck zu zeigen, dass man in die Nähe des Häuptlingshofes kommt. Fremdlinge werden hier vom alten Torwart aufgehalten und zum Häuptling geführt. In der Schlossallee hat sich schon manches Drama abgespielt und unter dem Tor aus Palmenrippen wurde vor Jahren eine Häuptlingsfrau, die fliehen wollte, von den königlichen Hofwächtern enthauptet. In den tiefherabhängenden Ästen der alten Bäume haben sich beim letzten Tronwechsel vor ungefähr 30 Jahren 70 Häuptlingsfrauen erhängt, nur damit ihr Gemahl, der im Krieg umgekommen war, im Totenreich nicht frauenlos sein müsse. So könnten wohl die alten Baumriesen und das Tor Mfa viel erzählen von alten Zeiten, von schrecklichen Kriegen und von gausamem Heidentum." (Wuhrmann, A., 1917. Beschreibung zu den Lichtbildern aus Bamum. E-30-0,6).
Note translation: "The most beautiful streeet in Bamum is "Castle Street". Ancient trees line it on both sides. And creeping plants are strangling many banana plants. The gate 'Nfa' has been built over this street. Of course the architecture is not solid enough to keep enemies from forcing their way in. It is simply a poor hut made of the ribs of palm trees, and its function is to make it clear that you are arriving in the vicinity of the chief's compound. Strangers are halted by Gate-Keeper and conducted by him to the chief. Many dramatic events have taken place in Castle Street. Years ago a chief's wife, who wanted to flee away, was beheaded by the court guards under the arch of palm-ribs. Seventy chief's wives hung themselves on the lower branches of these trees thirty years ago, when their husband died in a war. They wanted to be sure he would not live without wives in the land of the dead. The ancient trees and the Mfa Gate could tell many stories of the old days, of terrrible wars and cruel heathenism." (A. Wuhrmann, Commentaries on Slides from Bamum, 1917, E-30-0,6, K 383.) - Horse with European saddle, women/girls with long European-type frocks
are they perhaps mission school pupils? (PV 02.2002).
b/w positive, paper print, gelatin-silver
8.1 x 11.1 cm.
impa-m28903 [Legacy record ID]
Street scene
Type and material of construction
Time Period
E-30.33.011 [Reference number]
QE-30.006.0078 [Same image reference number]
Cameroon. Grasslands. Bamum. 1. Panorama of Fumban, town walls, town gates. 2. Compounds in Fumban. 3. Economy. 4. Markets. 5. Craftsmen and artists. 6. Hausas in Bamum. 7. Landscape
Historical Photographs from the Basel Mission
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
impa-m15099; impa-m17106
mission 21 / Basel Mission

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