Okhotniki za dushami = Soul hunters, 1929 Охотники за душами, 1929
Stel'makh, P Stelmach, P Shakhnovich, M Стельмах, П Шахнович, М
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Izd-vo "Krasnaya Gazeta"; Publishing House of the "Red Newspaper Leningrad, USSR University of Southern California. Libraries Изд-во "Красная Газета Ленинград, СССР
Contact: Oleg Bornovolokov, oleguets@ukr.net Library, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, UETS, 57 Gamarnika St. Kiev-04075, Ukraine Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary. Library of UETS oleguets@ukr.net or sergeilf@gmail.com
P. Stel'makh, M. Shakhnovich. Okhotniki za dushami. Leningrad, USSR: Izd-vo "Krasnaya Gazeta", 1929. = P. Stelmach, M. Shahnovich. Soul Hunters. Leningrad, USSR: Publishing House of the "Red Newspaper", 1929. [Description English/roman)] П. Стельмах, М. Шахнович. Охотники за душами. Ленинград, СССР: Изд-во "Красная Газета", 1929. [Description (original non-English/roman language/script)]
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