Den betrængte økonomi i Tanzania betyder, at samfundsområder, som f.eks. hospitalssektoren får tilført meget få midler. Resultatet er nedslidte hospitaler og mangel på uddannet personale, og ressourcerne til forbyggende sundhedsarbejde er temmelig begrænsede. Den hjælp, som kommer fra kristelige initiativer bl.a. fra Danmark er derfor meget vigtig The limited economy in Tanzania means that areas of society, such as the hospital sector is sup
The limited economy in Tanzania means that areas of society, such as the hospital sector is supplied with very few resources. The result is dilapidated hospitals and lack of trained personnel and resources to preventive health work is rather limited. Christian initiatives to collect money and materials - for instance in Denmark - therefore is very important
Kirke Mission Church Mission Det Danske Missionsselskab Danish Missionary Society DMS DIAS00900 Diasserie900 Tanzania Danmission Sundhed Hospital Health Hospital Kirke Mission Church Mission
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