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Image / Slum story

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Slum story
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Herald Examiner Photo Collection
Mullen, Mike
Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation.
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Photograph caption reads: "Highland Federal Savings at York Bl./Figueroa, Highland Park, involved in slum financing network". The bank, based in Highland Park, was sued by Los Angeles city for knowingly financing frequent transfers of ownerships to people who had no means and no intention of maintaining the buildings, many of which were substandard. The city attorney's office maintained that, at one point, a Labrador dog was listed as the president of a shell corporation that owned the Cameo Hotel, a Westlake building with a $200,000 loan from the bank. Photograph dated: March 3, 1989.
1 photographic print :b&w ;36 x 28 cm.
Photographic prints
Herald Examiner Collection
Highland Federal Savings and Loan (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Fraud--California--Los Angeles
Banks and banking--Real estate business--California--Los Angeles)
Mortgage loans--California--Los Angeles
Bank buildings--California--Highland Park (Los Angeles)
Highland Park (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner photographs
Herald-Examiner Collection photographs

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