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Image / Valentine's Day, circa 1913

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Valentine's Day, circa 1913
Date Created and/or Issued
circa 1913
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Valentine's Party 1913 or 1914 at Vallecita Hall on the west side of Carmelita, off of East Blithedale Avenue. Among the party guests are members of the Bagshaw, Hack, Brown, and White families, along with others.. A handwritten note by S.G. Bagshaw attached to the back of the photo says: "Outdoor Art Club: 1914? 1913 Vallecita Hall W. side Carmelita of E. Blithedale, on floor - center - white shirt - moustache Thos. H. Bagshaw, in back of T.H.B. - son Sydney Bagshaw, far right standing Mrs. T.H. (Jane) Bagshaw, second row left - laughing Mrs. Hack - (Bakery); Right of Mrs. Hack - curls. - Alphia Mitchell; Back row - cigar - T. Fred Bagshaw; Left of TFB - Charles White - Englishman - (Whites Stable); Right of TFB - Clark Rutherford; Lower right Robt N? D? Brown; 388-3248 S.G. Bagshaw, 200 Eldridge Ave., Mill Valley, Calif."
Bagshaw, Jane
Bagshaw, Sydney
Bagshaw, Thomas Frederick
Bagshaw, Thomas Henry
Lanterns, Japanese
Mitchell, Alphia
Outdoor Art Club
Rutherford, Clark
White, Charles

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