These are photographs of [top row] Srs. Peter, Jude and Rose Benigna, [middle row] Srs. Luke and de Lellis, [third row] Srs. Rachel, Xavier Marie, Stella Marie and Corita, [bottom row] Frs. Ed Ryan, John Lenahan, Sr. Gerard and Bro. Benedict. Born in Massachusetts, Fr. Ryan took his First Oath in September of 1930 and was ordained to the priesthood on June 17, 1934. He was assigned to Fushun, Manchuria in 1934. At the outbreak of World War II he was interned by the Japanese and repatriated to the United States on the S.S. Gripsholm. For the duration of the war he served as a chaplain at the Japanese internment camps in Watson, Arkansas. He returned to Japan as pastor of various churches on the northern island of Hokkaido. -- Born in Pennsylvania, Fr. Lenahan came to Maryknoll in 1931 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1940. He was assigned to Fushun, Manchuria and labored for three years until interned by the Japanese and repatriated on the Gripsholm in 1943. He later did mission work in Mexico and Guatemala. -- Born in New York, Cornelius F. Barry, worked for the Edison Company and served in the Army during World War I. He entered Maryknoll in 1922 and was assigned to China in 1924. He was assigned to the house in Kongmoon. In 1926 he was transferred to Hong Kong where his skill in office work became an important contribution. Two years later he went to Fushun to handle the procure duties for the growing mission of Bishop Lane. He remained there until the outbreak of World War II when he was interned with other Maryknollers and repatriated on the SS Gripsholm.
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