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Notice from Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt to "all persons of Japanese Ancestry, both aliens and non-aliens, who were, prior to March 23, 1942, wholly dependent upon and resident with, and who are the wives, unmarried or dependent natural and adopted children, wards, stepchildren, fathers, mothers and other dependent relatives, of those certain male Japanese aliens and non-aliens, who, on or about said date departed from military area no. 1, more particularly Los Angeles, California and vicinity for, and are now located at, the Manzanar reception center, Manzanar, California." The document includes instructions to report for transportation to Manzanar. Consists of various materials collected and maintained by William J. Mountin, gathered in the course of his work in the Statistical Branch of the Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA). Includes War Relocation Authority (WRA) and WCCA correspondence and memos concerning the administration of the office in San Francisco; copies of statistical reports and bulletins, including those compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau; sample forms, reports, maps, bulletins, and Civilian Exclusion Orders and Instruction broadsides; ephemeral publications of various official organizations concerned with the administration of the U.S. Army Western Defense Command office, including directories and organizational charts; and clippings.
Official documents 1 page, 14 x 8.5 inches application/pdf
World War II--Administration--Western Defense Command World War II--Administration--Wartime Civil Control Administration World War II--Mass removal ('Evacuation')--Exclusion orders Geographic communities--California--San Francisco World War II--Incarceration camps
San Francisco, California Incarceration Camps--Manzanar
California Historical Society Collection at Stanford
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