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Image / Fashions, Winter 1844

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Fashions, Winter 1844
Alternative Title
Fashions for November 1844
Publication Information
Ella Strong Denison Library
Contributing Institution
Claremont Colleges Library
Fashion Plate Collection, 19th Century
Rights Information
For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact the Ella Strong Denison Library at
Five women are depicted. The woman at the top left wears her hair up in a braided bun, with side ringlets. She wears a white dress and a black mantelet, with fur or velvet lapels and cuffs. The woman at the top middle wears a blue bonnet with yellow flowers and a white dress with a lace collar. Over it she wears a green mantelet with three tiered sleeves which is edged with braid or cord. She holds a handkerchief and a pair of lorgnette eyeglasses in her right hand, and an opened letter in her left. The woman at the top right wears a white bonnet decorated with pink ribbon and white lace, and a white underdress with a green short sleeved overdress. The overdress has a notched collar and is edged in a three rows of dark green.The woman at the bottom left wears a white bonnet and a blue dress with a brown mantelet on top. The mantelet is edged in wide black lace ruffles. She holds a handkerchief in her left hand. The woman at the bottom right wears a pink bonnet and a light green dress with a dark green shawl on top. The shawl is striped with blue, pink, and yellow and has multicolored fringe on the hem. She holds her handkerchief in her left hand.
Women's clothing
Color in clothing
19th C costume
Bonnets (Hats)
Time Period
United Kingdom - Early Victorian, 1837-1860
American - Jacksonian, 1824-1850
French - July Monarchy, 1830-1848
Fashion Plate, engraving (print), colored, 6.125 x 9.5 inches; Scripps College, Ella Strong Denison Library, Macpherson Collection, Costume Plates of Myrtle Tyrrell Kirby, box 6

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