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Magic Theatre is a prominent San Francisco theater group that remains active to present day, dedicated to development and production of new plays. Heathcote Williams was an English playwright and poet and AC/DC was his first full length play. Video by Demystavision. Videographers Bill Bathurst, Ron Blanchette, Jed Handler. Performance of Heathcote Williams's AC/DC by the Magic Theatre. 014.035.738 AC/DC Magic Theatre 1. Handwritten notes as follows: AC/DC I 2 Cameras / 0 - / 42 'What do you want from life' run / 100 black w/ sounds suggestive sounds and flashes behind screen / 230 John Nesci enters / 380 Peron enters play with TV display and get into high statistical language / 430 you've been overamping / 431-489 clear your tracks John to clear break; 014.035.739: AC/DC Magic Theatre 2
Magic Theatre (San Francisco, Calif.) Williams, Heathcote
San Francisco (Calif.) Fort Mason (San Francisco, Calif.)
Museum of Performance + Design California Revealed is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
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