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/ Oral History of Lorin Rowan

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Oral History of Lorin Rowan
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In this oral history, musician and songwriter Lorin Rowan recounts the unfolding of his musical life and the role Mill Valley and its environs has played in it. Born in Massachusetts in 1952, Lorin grew up in a suburb of Boston with two older brothers, Peter and Chris, who turned him on to playing music at the age of eight. The three brothers formed a bluegrass band together and moved out to California in 1969, pursuing fame and fortune in the music business, and touching down in Marin County. Lorin recalls living in Kentfield, Novato, and Stinson Beach before moving to Mill Valley. He expresses his enduring passion for hiking on Mt. Tamalpais, which he describes as a both a refuge and an inspiration, and recounts his participation in Gary Yost's West Peak trilogy. Throughout this oral history, Lorin brings to life the music scene of the 1960s and 1970s both in Marin County and beyond, and concludes by playing a number of his original songs, including several written for his wife Bernadette.
Circle of Friends
Davis, Clive
Deep Blue Jam
Dillon, Jimmy
Garcia, Jerry
Geffen, David
Grisman, David
Homestead Valley
Jefferson Airplane
Loren, Richard
McCann, Eric
Mt. Tamalpais
MV history - Music and counterculture (1960s and 1970s)
My Father's Son
Oral history - Music
Rowan, Bernadette
Rowan, Chris
Rowan, Peter
Stein, Mark
Stinson Beach
The Edge
The Rowan Brothers
Uncle Charlie's
Willis, Matt
Yost, Gary

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