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Image / Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, 1966

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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, 1966
Beryl O'Kelly Brooks (LB-008-480)
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Long Beach Public Library
Long Beach Photos
Rights Information
For information about copyright and ordering images from the LBPL Digital Archive, see
This image was part of a California State Library photographic history project documenting the daily lives and historical, political, and cultural contributions of California's diverse communities. On June 12, 1999, Long Beach residents donated to the Long Beach Public Library 398 family and personal photographs as part of this ongoing statewide project. Pictured here is the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, a Long Beach African American women's sorority. The women are wearing similar dark dresses and corsages. In front of the group is a large handmade crest illustrating their sorority letters. As identified by donor, from left to right: Back row: Mary Cash, Beryl (O'Kelly) Brooks, Yvonne Robertson, unidentified, Barbara Brown, Ruby Terry, Gloria (Mnu) Sanford, seven of the original chapter members. Front row, left to right: Mary [?], Past Regional Director, Dr. Leada Clark (Regional Director), Vivian Strange (Alpha Gamma Omega officer). This image was taken at the home of Barbara (Brooks) Evans in Carson, California. The donor states that this image shows "Charter Members." DATE NOTES: Noted on image back. ORIG. IMAGE: 8" x 10" B&W glossy print. NEGATIVE: No. KEYWORDS: Fashion.
Women. Fraternal organizations--United States
Donated by Beryl O'Kelly Brooks for the "Shades of Long Beach" Project, June 12, 1999.

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