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Image / Parade participants greet crowds, view 6

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Parade participants greet crowds, view 6
Alternative Title
Eyre Powell Chamber of Commerce Photo Collection
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
View 6: One woman and several men wearing western clothing and on horseback, are greeted by throngs of people (blocked by the horses) that are lining the streets of an unidentified location during a parade. The woman - who is apparently a big celebrity, wears a tan hat, beige blouse, beige fringed skirt, and dark boots; she smiles at the crowds that have gathered to see her. A man wearing a cowboy outfit complete with a ten-gallon hat can be seen to her immediate right. A ten-gallon hat was often thought to be large enough to hold ten gallons of water. This is not true (unless you have an exceptionally large head). The gallon in "ten gallon hat" derives from the Spanish galo´n meaning braid. Therefore, a ten-gallon hat is a hat with a braiding around the brim, and which in fact, holds less than a gallon of water.
1 photograph :b&w
Photographic prints
Eyre Powell Chamber of Commerce Collection
N-000-042.6 4x5
Horsemen and horsewomen--California
Clothing and dress--California

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