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Image / Metropolitan Theatre

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Metropolitan Theatre
Dobbin, Hamilton Henry, 1856-1930
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
California State Library
California History Section Picture Catalog
Rights Information
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In PHOTO ALBUM-VAULT: ** fc917.9461 A3, Vol. I, page 388.
This photograph is contained in one of two volumes by Dobbin titled "Album of San Francisco."
Caption printed on photo: "West side Montgomery St. [?] Jackson 1865." Text written under photo: "Metropolitan Theatre Montgomery near Jackson 1865. Cut in two to allow the making of Montgomery Avenue." Photo shows the three-story Metropolitan Theatre, with the Metropolitan Restaurant to the left and Curtin and Co. within the theater building. The Miners' Exchange is at the far right. A few men are standing on the plank sidewalks, and two carriages can be seen.
Typed to right of photo: "METROPOLITAN THEATRE--Located on Montgomery St. near Jackson. This house was built by Joseph French in 1853, at that time it was one of the handsomest temples of amusement in the United States. Mrs. Catherine Sinclair was the mamager [sic], James Dowling the stage mamager [sic]. Dowling subsequently lost his life by shooting at the hands of Johnny Truers a Variety Actor in the "Snug" saloon on Washington St adjacent to the Theatre then known as Magurie's [Maguire's] Opera Housealutations 'Say Bones can't ye squese [sic] for one down there."
In 1870 in the Metropolitan on a special night the "Gallery Gods" come like the Asserians [sic] of old, from all parts of the city, in droves, Rincon Hill, Happy Valley, Telegraph Hill, Tar flat and even from the then far distant Hayes Valley, happy in the possession of 25 cents the price of admission. They would tear like wild troopers up the flight of steep stairs to the gallery which would become a perfect Bedlun [sic] with their greetings and salutations "Say Bones can't ye squeze [sic] for one down there."
Also have negative no. 29,456 (4x5 in)
Nonprojected graphic
1 photoprint ; 8 7/8 x 11 1/2 in.
Theaters--California--San Francisco
Buildings--California--San Francisco
San Francisco (Calif.)--Photographs
Photographic prints
San Francisco
San Francisco (Calif.)

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