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Sound / Oral history interview with Elizabeth A. Craig-Klusman

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Oral history interview with Elizabeth A. Craig-Klusman
Craig-Klusman, Elizabeth A
Maxie, Betty (interviewer)
Escamilla, Jacqueline A. (transcriber)
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Honnold Mudd Library. Special Collections
Contributing Institution
Claremont Colleges Library
California Water Documents
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Rights Holder and Contact
Upland Public Library Local History Collection
For more information on the copyright or about this image, please contact the Upland Public Library at (909) 931-4205 or
These recordings are of an interview with Elizabeth A. Craig-Klusman that took place in 1978. Craig-Klusman came to the Upland area with her family in 1903 to meet her father who had been living there for a few years prior. The interview discussed how Cucamonga had changed over time with reference to locations of stores and other landmarks. Craig-Klusman discussed her trip with her husband to Germany, where he was from. The interview also discussed Craig-Klusman’s home and the architecture. Craig-Klusman also talked about the damage that the 1938 and 1969 floods did in the area. Craig-Klusman recalled that her husband had been the president of the Cucamonga Water Company for 35 years. The interview discussed a particular meeting between the leaders of the Metropolitan Water Company, but Craig-Klusman did not attend because only men were invited to the meeting. Craig-Klusman told the interviewer that her husband was one of the people who helped to fund the building of the Sycamore Hotel. Craig-Klusman also reflected upon the people who worked in the vineyard, about the cabins that they stayed in, and her relationship with the workers. Craig-Klusman discussed the street that was named after her husband: Klusman Avenue. The interview ended as Craig-Klusman and the interviewer talked about the library and life in Upland.
Oral histories
Ontario (Calif.)
Ontario (Calif.): 34.0633443
Ontario (Calif.): -117.65088760000003
Audio cassette tape, 1 cassette tape, Oral History #65: San Antonio Water Company Oral History Collection, Upland Public Library Local History Collection.

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