All the images (photographic and non-photographic) made available in this collection are the property of the Basel Mission and are managed by mission 21. mission 21 / Basel Mission claim copyright on the images in their possession and require those publishing any of the images--both individuals and organisations--to pay a user's/copyright fee. Contact the Archives of mission21 at address mentioned or at mission21 mission21, Missionsstrasse 21, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland, tel. (+41 61 260 22 42), fax (+4161 260 22 68)
Annotation translation: "Printed HB [Heidenbote] 1938/3. A three-hundred strong company of young men have been to fetch the chief and form a circle around him during the Festival, since no woman is allowed to see him. At this Festival people said 'Since Christ has been proclaimed in our country we no longer need to fear one another. Since Christ changed our hearts peace reigns our country." Annotation: "Cl. HB [Heidenbote] 1938(III). (Cf. No [K] 2752 b [E-30.86.021]). Die dreihundert- köpfige Jungmannschaft hat den Häuptling abgeholt und beim Fest einen Ring um ihn gebildet, da die Frauen den Häuptling nicht sehen dürfen. Bei diesem Missionsfest wurde ausgesprochen: 'Seit Christus in unserm Lande verkündigt wird, brauchen wir uns vor einander nicht mehr zu fürchten seit Christus unsere Herzen umgestülpt hat, haben wir Friede im Land." Note: Ähnliches Bild E-30.86.022. Note translation: Similar image E-30.86.022. Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
b/w positive, paper print, gelatin-silver 8.0 x 10.9 cm.
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