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(SIDE 1) ROLL, A. J. Mt. Hamilton Road, San Jose, 258-9466. Mr. Roll is a native Santa Claran, born in the town in 1889. He was the owner of St. Claire Laundry and was prominent in civic affairs. Roll has accumulated a large collection of documents and photographs pertaining to the history of the city. July 22, 1974. The laundry (through 1970). The Earthquake. The early automobiles: the first car manufactured in Santa Clara (circa 1900), Henry Ford visits town. The livery stable: a barber shop hole-in-the-wall at the stable. The roads and streets (1900’s). The Chinese. Big businesses in town at the turn of the century. The Eberhard Tannery. The laundry: wages (1904 on), employees, equipment and automation. The Glorious Fourth in Santa Clara: tug’o’war at the tannery. Kids are kids (Halloween, 1906). Long hair on boys (through 1898). The Cherry Carnival (Twenties). The Turn Verein. Plays at the university. Montgomery: the day Maloney died, the flight. Dances. Employment: jobs for youths, prune-picking. Bicycles: the Garden City Wheelmen, races to San Francisco. Dissolution of the Turn Verein at beginning of World War I. Length—65 minutes. (SIDE 2) VON RAESFELD, D. R. 240 Alviso Street, Santa Clara, 296-0934. Mr. Von Raesfeld is the current city manager of the city and worked previously in the public works department. July 23, 1974. Water department (1958): its structure, water supply problems, reputation in the water supply. Public works director: reasons for creating the position, recognition of city’s growth potential, responsibilities of the public works department, City Engineer Ed Schott, transition into new public works department (1959). Most important public works projects: plan lines on city streets, other major projects. Public and business attitudes towards public works. Utility management. Urban renewal: Franklin Mall, reasons for non-resurgence of old district after razing of the old buildings, creation of a redevelopment agency, community support of urban renewal, anti’s change minds after joining City Council, physical condition of the old buildings, reasons for moving the Civic Center. Length—36 minutes.
Master 1/4 inch audio tape
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C979.473 C18 Case Tape #7; 462457 cstcl_000009
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