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Image / Huntington Park organization members

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Huntington Park organization members
Alternative Title
Security Pacific National Bank Photo Collection
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
A group of approximately 40 men pose for a picture in front of an unidentified building in Huntington Park. It is unclear which organization this group of men belongs to, but half of them seem to be wearing badges on their lapels. Behind them on the right, a tall post has a "Welcome" banner; below that, the city of Huntington Park logo, showing a balance or scales with the words "Huntington Park Perfect Balance"; and surrounding this, six shields for the following clubs are visible: "Rotary International", "Kiwanis International", "Optimist International", "Lions International", "20/30", and the "American Legion". Below the shields, a small marquee (also on the post) shows listings for each club's meeting place, dates and times.
1 photograph :b&w
Photographic prints
Security Pacific National Bank Collection
Huntington Park-Organizations.; A-011-974 4x5
Optimist International
Kiwanis International
Rotary International
20-30 International
Lions International
American Legion
Associations, institutions, etc.--California--Huntington Park
Fraternal organizations--California--Huntington Park
Societies--California--Huntington Park
Clubs--California--Huntington Park
Men--Societies and clubs
Huntington Park (Calif.)

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