Country Female regatta 1975: Arcotkirkens treasurer, Mr.. John Nallathambi, brought greetings f Landskvindestævnet 1975: Arcotkirkens kasserer, mr. John Nallathambi, bragte hilsen fra Indien. Han besøgte DMS i dagene 22.-31- august 1975. Mr. Nallathambi er formand for Det lutherske Verdensforbunds studiefond for Indien og medlem af forbundets forretningsudvalg
Country Female regatta 1975: Arcotkirkens treasurer, Mr.. John Nallathambi, brought greetings from India. He visited DMS from 22 to 31, August 1975. Mr. Nallathambi president of the Lutheran World Federation study fund for India and a member of the union's executive committee
Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det Danske Missionsselskab DMS Foreign visitors Udenlandske gæster FOLDER255 Indien India Kirke Mission Church Mission Danmark Denmark John Nallathambi Arcotkirken Arcot Church
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