West Indische Paskaert waerin de graden der breedde over wederzÿden vande middellÿn waßande soo vergrooten dan die aeproportioneert syn seger hunne nevenstaende graden der legende; Vertenen (behalven Europaes zudelÿeste alle de Zeekusten van Africa en America begrepen in't Octroy bij de H. M. H. Staten generael der vereeniende Nederl., verleent aende generale West Indische Compagnie. Mitsgaders die van Peru en Chili, inde groote Zuyd-Zee / Beschreven door Willem I. Blaeuw
The left side showing the Americas has the southern extension of South America as an insert in Brazil. On vellum. Note the erroneous date "1608" is penciled in. This is similar to State 2 as defined by Burden (223) -- there is no sailor with cross staff as described by Burden. A landmark map, first sea chart of America in Mercator Projection. Shields of the major European powers are on the corresponding countries and/or colonies overseas. Largest sheet of vellum then available. See 268067 for a derivative map. Relief: no. Projection: Mercator. Printing Process: Engraving.
1 map ; hand col. ; 76 x 94 cm., sheet 76 x 94 cm.
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