This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation and Photo Friends.
Photograph is dated March 4, 1949 and was used for an article dated March 10, 1954; it reads "Children run down the same path Francisco Lopez followed in 1842 when he uprooted wild onions and found gold--the first in California--clinging to the roots. Placerita Canyon, one of the many spots of interest close in to the Valley, has changed little since 1842. The 'Oak of the Golden Dream' was standing to left of path where it stands today, shading picnickers as impartially as pioneers."; See images #00122149 through #00122156 for all photos in this series.
1 photographic print :b&w ;21 x 26 cm. Photographic prints
Children--California--Los Angeles County Oaks--California--Los Angeles County Trees--California--Los Angeles County Gold--California--Los Angeles County--History Canyons--California--Los Angeles County Los Angeles County (Calif.) Placerita Canyon (Los Angeles County, Calif.) Valley Times Collection photographs
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