"Auf d. Reise hin. Akazienbaum u. Termittenhügel." ("On t[he] journey there. Acacia a[nd] termite hill."). View of a huge acacia under which a termite hill is situated. Two white little children are standing on top of it, a third one at its foot. Four Africans are standing by. Hills in the background. Included from the box of duplicates. -- Adolf Ferdinand Stolz (1871-1917) was a mission trader of the Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine in Ipanya from 1898 to 1902 and in Kyimbila from 1903 to 1914. He was responsible for the plantations in Kyimbila and Rutenganio. In 1898 he married Helene Elisabeth, née Kootz (1872-1899), in 1903 Anna, née Schulze.
colored slide no. 3182 photographic prints, 11.2 x 15.5 cm. photographs
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