Photograph shows a group of mechanics welding an upright in a plumbing shop at Fresno, California Assembly Center. Mechanics welding,Flaherty Collection: Japanese Internment Records, MSS-2006-02, San Jose State University, Special Collections & Archives. Caption on album page: "Diversified outlets for mechanical skill provided work with pay for the Japanese evacuees in the assembly centers. Here is a group of mechanics welding an upright in a plumbing shop at Fresno Assembly Center." SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO 9SVC-42-3490-PSF 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; Scanned with Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL Pro; as a 600 dpi TIFF image in 8-bit Grayscale. Auto Level image processing applied and compressed into JPEG format using Photoshop CS3.
Plumbers Plumbing fixtures Relocation camps Welding Forced migration Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 World War II, 1939-1945--Japanese Americans
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