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Text / The dolefull even-song, or, A true, particuler and impartiall narration…

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The dolefull even-song, or, A true, particuler and impartiall narration of that fearefull and sudden calamity which befell the preacher Mr. Drury, a Iesuite, and the greater part of his auditory, by the downefall of the floore at an assembly in the Black-Friars on Sunday the 26. of Octob. last, in the after noone ; together with the rehearsal of Master Drurie his text, and the division thereof ; as also an exact catalogue of the names of such as perished by this lamentable accident, and a briefe application thereupon
Goad, Thomas, 1576-1638
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
London : Printed by Iohn Haviland for William Barret and Richard Whitaker in the Black-Friars
Contributing Institution
University of San Francisco
Rare Book Collection
Rights Information
The University of San Francisco can only claim physical ownership of the collection. Users are responsible for satisfying any claims of the copyright holder. Permission to copy or publish any portion of the University of San Francisco's collection must be given by the University of San Francisco.
60 unnumbered pages
Catholic Church--Controversial literature
Jesuits--Controversial literature
Donohue Rare Book Room, Gleeson Library | Geschke Center, the University of San Francisco
BX1492 .G6 1623
Rare Book Collection

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