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Image / Kabuki theater poster: Yoshitsune's 1000 cherry trees

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Kabuki theater poster: Yoshitsune's 1000 cherry trees
Alternative Title
Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
Chikanobu, Yoshu
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Scripps College
Contributing Institution
Claremont Colleges Library
Chikanobu and Yoshitoshi Woodblock Prints
Rights Information
The contents of this item, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, and non-commercial use only. The contents of this item may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Scripps College. Any form of image reproduction, transmission, display, or storage in any retrieval system is prohibited without the written consent of Scripps College and other copyright holders. Scripps College retains all rights, including copyright, in data, images, documentation, text and other information contained in these files. For permissions, please contact: Scripps College, Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery Attn: Rights and Reproductions, 1030 Columbia Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
In the play "Yoshitsune's 1000 Cherry Trees / Yoshitsune senbon zakura," the warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159-1185) must journey to a distant island and entrusts his beloved mistress Shizuka gozen to his friend Sato Tadanobu (1161-1186) for protection. After various adventures, Shizuka and Tadanobu encounter the Buddhist priest Yokokawa Kakuhan (at right), who is actually the Minamoto adversary Taira Noristune (1160-1185) in disguise. The warrior Noritsune was thought to have died at Dan-no-ura, in the last great battle between the Genji and Heike, but according to this play he was captured by Yoshitsune's retainers and then released by Yoshitsune on the condition that he meet Tadanobu in a duel. Noritsune had killed Tadanobu's brother Tsugunobu in the Battle of Yashima. (See Plate 229) In this snowy scene outside the Buddhist temple hall Zaodo in the mountains of Yoshino, Sato Tadanobu, played by the great actor Nakamura Shikan IV (1830-1899), realizes the true identity of the false priest Kakuhan and challenges Noritsune to battle. Tadanobu wears armor given to him by Yoshitsune, which is supposed to make him impervious to attack. Noritsune, carrying a halberd, is played by Kataoka Ichizo III (1851-1906), and the onnagata is Arashi Kuninosuke. Just as Tadanobu is about to defeat Noritsune, Yoshitsune again appears to rescue the Taira warrior and pardon him.
Armor (protective wear)
Single Built Works
Snow (precipitation)
Time Period
Meiji (Japan, 1869-1912)
Woodcuts; Ink on Paper; 14 3/16 in. x 28 in.; 2004.1.35

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