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Sound / KPFA Third World News: Angela Davis on the South African…

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KPFA Third World News: Angela Davis on the South African Apartheid, 1976
Yuen, Hoh-Kun
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
UC Berkeley, Ethnic Studies Library
California Revealed from Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley
Rights Information
Rights are owned by UC Regents and KPFA. Pacific Radio Archives has given Institution permission to provide access to the digitized work online. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owner. In addition, the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by terms of gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
[Third World News] The Victoria 3 - 3 Puerto Ricans finally released by Dominican Republic after 6 months of imprisonment; role of U.S. detention. Black Coalition Against U.S Involvement in Angola - including Carlton Goodlett, Elaine Brown - denounced Roy Innes "an open agent of South Africa". Lehman Brightman's priliminary hearing - AIM leaders live in danger everyday; 200 Native deaths in Pine Ridge since the Wounded Knee Occupation in 1973 and not a single indictment. News on Brazil/ Kissinger's Latin America visit. More on Iran: Shah's use of his military and police force. Angola: UNITA will turn to guerilla war - SOuth Africans People's Republic of Angola admitted to OAU. Black Coalition (same as 3rd world news - is first part only). Bombing in North Portugal town by right wing. Israel: moeny protests - economics and social problems contained by police. [Behind the News] "China After Chou En Lia", speakers: Vic Bedouin, Robert Manning, and David Milton. [KPFA News] News on Angola, Roy Innes event canceled, Kissinger on the leak published by Village Voice, CIA cover-ups on assassinations. War on Pine Ridge Reservation between Wilson's Goon Squad and Mix Breeds versus AIM and Traditional Indians. Hearst Castle bombed and Patty Hearst trial updates. News on Italy. Irish Republican died of Hunger Strike in British Jail. News on Israel. Lecture on Uranium, speaker unknown. Angela Davis talking about the South African Apartheid (2:14:28-2:53:50) More KPFA News. Speech by Carlton Goodlett. Digitization made possible through a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council of Libraries and Information Resources.
4-track mono
1/4 inch audio tape
BANC MSS 2005/290c Carton 183 Reel 22
Apartheid--South Africa
Black power
Black Panther Party
Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley
California Revealed is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

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