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Image / Annual Conference of Yard Managers of Diamond Match Co. in Chico, CA

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Annual Conference of Yard Managers of Diamond Match Co. in Chico, CA
Date Created and/or Issued
May 18-19, 1923
Publication Information
Meriam Library. California State University, Chico
Contributing Institution
California State University, Chico
Northeastern California Historical Photograph Collection
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Photograph shows Diamond Match Yard Managers shown in group picture, taken in front of Main Office, Chico, California. Annual Meeting held on May 18-19, 1923. [Front Row, sitting left to right] (Yrd. Mgr if name and location) 1. W.B. Dean, General Mgr. 2. Geo. T. Shaw, Mgr. Asst., Acct. and Credit Mgr. 3. I. E. Brink, Superintendent Retail Yards 4. C. G. Wolohen, Mgr. Purchases, Sales and Production 5. A. Taylor McCormick, Asst. Yrd. Auditor 6. J. H. Gunby, Chico 7. H. C. Foster, Vina 8. A. W. Erickson, Gerber 9. Geo. W. Redburn, Colusa 10. R. L. Hupp, Willows 11. Roy A. Harris, E. Nicolaus 12. Mrs. Wallace Harris, Stenographer 13. Wallace Harris, Richvale 14. Walter Thode, Maxwell 15. Chas Schab, Durham 16. C. E. Toof, Redding 17. P. O. Young, Dunnigan 18. Fred N. Benton, Yuba City 19. Miss Anna Cooney, Bookkeeper and Stenographer 20. Miss Eva White, PBX Operator 21. Miss Rose Rasmussen, Chief Stenographer 22. Miss Carita Earle, Stenographer 23. Myrtle Read, Stenographer 25. Miss Hazel Taber, Sales Checker 26. Miss Eunana Taber, Sales Checker/[Second Row, standing left to right] (Yrd. Mgr if name and location) 1. Sam Benton, Sales Mgr 2. S. Hassel, Mgr. Millwork Factory 3. D. Earl Willis, Lincoln 4. F. D. Edwards, Free Plan Dept. 5. Leslie R. Mason, Yolo 6. G. E. Schlosser Jr., Yolo 7. Ed. Thode, Orland 8. H.F. Duncan, Red Bluff 9. C. E. brown, Arbuckle 10. C. B. Clawson, Vacaville 11. Frank Pritchett, Cottonwood 12. M. Masterson, Gridley 13. H. A. Masterson, Roseville 14. R. A. Woods, Esparto 15. Roy Bush, Artois 16. S. W. Jopes, Winters/[Back Row, standing left to right] (Yrd. Mgr if name and location)1. L. Z. Mitchell, Asst. to Purchasing Agent 2. M. G. Atchison, Cashier 3. J. M. Bingham, Biggs 4. J. D. Allsion, Los Molinos 5. J. O. Harris, Hamilton City 6. Harry Hope, Meridian 7. M. H. Getz, Williams 8. R. E. Stevens, live Oak 9. Wilson Strawn, Corning 10. Walter Decker, Woodland. Mrs. Wallace Harris and Mr. Wallace Harris are put as bride and groom, as a side note. [From MSS276 box 1, folder 7 in Speci
200x247 mm.
Diamond Match Company (Chico, Calif.)
Business enterprises
Portraits, Group
Clothing & dress--1920-1930
Butte County (Calif.)
Chico (Calif.)
under review
Northeastern California Historical Photograph Collection

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