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/ Oral History of Lorraine Goddard

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Oral History of Lorraine Goddard
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Lorraine Goddard was born Lorraine Roux at her family home at 35 Sycamore Avenue in 1914. Her parents George Francois Roux and Mary Agnes Johnson, immigrants from France and Ireland, respectively, met in San Francisco. Lorraine attended Park School, Summit School, and Old Mill School. She graduated from Tamalpais High School and majored in French and History at Dominican College. She later received her teaching credential from the University of California, Berkeley. Lorraine married Dr. Tom Goddard in September of 1941 in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. In this oral history, she recounts growing up in the Mill Valley school system, the various stores around town, life during World War II, and raising her son John and daughter Marne. Editor's Note: The transcript is not a verbatim match of the oral history interview. For the full, unedited interview, please refer to the oral history recording.
Albert's Department Store
Allen & Roseveare Groceries
Bennett's Variety Store
Brown's Furniture Store
Families - Marin County
Father Cleary
Finn, John
Goddard, John
Goddard, Marne
Goddard, Tom
Hub Theatre
Johnson, Mary Agnes
Larkspur Rose Bowl
Larson, George
Lockwood's Pharmacy
Mayer's Department Store
Meiers Bakery
Mill Valley
Mill Valley changes
Mill Valley Music
Mosher's Shoe Store
Music stores
Pearl Harbor
R and M shop
Roux, George Francois
Rutherford's Pharmacy
Sequoia Theater
Varney's Hardware
Wilcox, Sara
World War II

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