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/ Oral History of John Goddard

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Oral History of John Goddard
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Born and raised in Marin, John Goddard had an active Mill Valley childhood, participating in numerous clubs and sports. His love for music also blossomed at this time. He began working at the local music store, Village Music, as a teenager. At the age of 24, John took over the store. Under his ownership, Village Music transformed into a hotspot for local and international celebrities, such as Grateful Dead band members and George Lucas, as well as casual record collectors. John's anniversary parties at the Sweetwater Music Hall became legendary around town, attracting musicians like B.B. King and Elvis Costello. Because of a shift in Mill Valley's economy, Village Music faced possible closure as rents rose and the number of customers declined. Sadly, a year after this interview was conducted, John was no longer able to keep Village Music open and it officially closed September of 2007. Afterwards, John continued to maintain his storeroom on Sunnyside Avenue, selling and trading music as a hobby. John's impact on the local music scene has left an indelible mark on Mill Valley.
American Graffiti
Anniversary Party
Cipollina, Mario
Cipollina, Michael
Cooder, Ry
Costello, Elvis
Economic & social conditions
Garcia, Jerry
Goddard, Lorraine
Greatful Dead
Havana, Cuba
Jagger, Mick
Lucas, George
Marin Catholic
Music stores
Park School
Raitt, Bonnie
Rock & roll bands
Santana, Carlos
Valentino, Bob
Village Music
Wilcox, Sarah

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