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/ Oral History of Don Oman

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Oral History of Don Oman
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
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Don Oman was born in Seattle on June 7, 1915. His parents were Levi C. and Laurie Oman. After graduating from the University of Washington, Don took a job at Miller Freeman Publications in San Francisco and rented a small room on Lovell Ave. In 1939, he married Agnes and the couple moved into a cottage at 333 Molino. During World War II Don served as a Navy combat correspondent in the Pacific. After the war Don and Agnes moved to Larkspur, then back to Mill Valley in 1951 with their daughters Laurie and Frances. They bought a house at 338 Lovell, where they lived for 42 years. Eventually, Don left Miller Freeman and started his own trade magazine for the meat industry. It thrived for 20 years before he and his wife sold it and retired. Throughout this oral history Don shares his memories of the businesses that once populated Mill Valley and recalls memorable events like the 1939 World's Fair at Treasure Island.
Albert's Department Store
Dowd's Stables
La Ginestra
Mayer's Department Store
Meat industry
MV history - Baby boom years (1950s and early 1960s)
Navy yards
Oman, Agnes
Oman, Laurie
Oman, Levi C
Publishing industry
University of Washington
World War II

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