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Image / Holy Family Catholic Church, "San Marti´n de Porres" stained glass

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Holy Family Catholic Church, "San Marti´n de Porres" stained glass
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Photographers Photo Collection;
Allen, Jeff
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Photographer note reads, "This parish is almost totally Spanish, as is Wilmington. The stain glass windows for the sacraments are in Spanish. Inside was total awareness of 'sacred space'".
This 4-paneled stained glass window depicting "San Marti´n de Porres" is located along one of the walls at Holy Family Catholic Church, located at 1011 East "L" Street and the corner of Sanford Ave. in the city of Wilmington.; A Dominican cooperator brother, Marti´n de Porres (1579-1639) was beatified in 1837 by Pope Gregory XVI and canonized on May 6, 1962 by Pope John XXIII. San Marti´n de Porres is usually portrayed as a young mulatto priest holding a broom and shown with a dog, a cat, and a mouse at his feet. Photo dated: September 2007.
1 photographic print :color ;11 x 16 cm.
Photographic prints
Jeff Allen Houses of Worship Collection; Los Angeles Photographers Collection;
Marti´n,--de Porres, Saint,--1579-1639
Holy Family Catholic Church (Wilmington, Los Angeles, Calif.)
Catholic churches--California--Wilmington (Los Angeles)
Church buildings--California--Wilmington (Los Angeles)
Stained glass windows--California--Los Angeles
Wilmington (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Los Angeles Photographers Collection photographs
Jeff Allen Houses of Worship Collection photographs

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