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Image / San Jose Fireman's Rodeo

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San Jose Fireman's Rodeo
Smith News Company (San Francisco, Calif.)
Contributing Institution
History San Jose Research Library
History San Jose Online Catalog
Rights Information
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Caption on reverse: "This is the type of action that has made the San Jose Fireman's Rodeo famous. The rodeo is held annually, the last week end in May at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. Plan to attend one of the three performances. The Saturday night presentation under the lights is a very colorful spectacle. The Grandstand has a new $150,000 roof for your comfort." The postcard is addressed to Archibald B. Kennedy of Saratoga, California, with this message: "The dates this year are May 24-25. The star attraction is 'Old Bill Williams' and his bucking horse 'Dear John' from the Walt Disney TV series 'Andy Burnett.' Also more than 18 other acts."
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds
San Jose Fireman's Rodeo
Horseback riding
Nineteen fifties (LCSH)
Cowboys (LCSH)

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