Contact: Special Collections, Doheny Memorial Library, Libraries, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189; Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 USC Libraries Special Collections University of Southern California
3 images. Rouault art exhibit at Los Angeles County Museum, 2 July 1953. Marvin C. Ross Rene D'Harnoncourt Mrs. Charles Schaaf Mrs. Cedric Francis Mrs. Sylvia Weaver Caroline Leibig. Caption slip reads: "Society. Photographer: Wyman. Date: 1953-07-02. Assignment: Rouault art exhibit -- L.A. County Museum. 45: Marvin C. Ross, Curator of L.A. Co. Museum Caroline Leibig, Board of Gov. Rene D'Harnoncourt, General Director, Museum of Modern Art, New York came to L.A. specially for show. 46-19: Mrs. Charles Schaaf, Junior Art Council Mrs. Cedric Francis, Junior Art Council Mrs. Sylvia Weaver, Corresponding Sec. of Museum Association Marvin C. Ross, Curator of Art, L.A. Co. Museum." Supplementary material reads: "Photo assignment for Thursday July 2 at 8:30 p.m. Pls. go to County Museum, Exposition Park, get shots of Society people only, no movie industry, attending reception for opening of Georges Rouault exhibit. See Dick Hunt. Candid, three cols. only. Action. Contacts Friday. Thanks, Carter Ludlow."
3 photographs : negatives, b&w 13 x 10 cm. image/tiff negatives (photographic) photographs
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