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Image / Large crowd celebrates with Pope John Paul II poster, Managua…

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Large crowd celebrates with Pope John Paul II poster, Managua, Nicaragua, 1983
Cross, Richard, 1950-1983
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
California State University, Northridge
Contributing Institution
California State University, Northridge
Richard Cross Photographs (Bradley Center)
Rights Information
Use of images from the collections of the Tom & Ethel Bradley Center is strictly prohibited by law without prior written consent from the copyright holders. The responsibility for the use of these materials rests exclusively with the user.
The Bradley Center may assist in obtaining copyright/licensing permission to use images from the Richard Cross collection.
A large crowd celebrates the arrival of Pope John Paul II at Plaza 19 de Julio in Managua. Many of them are holding an assortment of flags that include the black-and-red flag of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), the yellow-and-white flags of the Vatican City, and the blue-and-white flags of Nicaragua. In the background there is a large poster that reads, "John Paul II - Sandino's People Greets You." In the foreground, there is a person holding a large poster of Catholic priest and revolutionary Gaspar García Laviana, who advocated for the liberation of Nicaragua and its people. He was killed in action while fighting the forces of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1978.
Una multitud de feligreses celebra la llegada del papa Juan Pablo II a la Plaza 19 de Julio en Managua. Muchos de ellos sostienen una variedad de banderas que incluyen la bandera rojinegra del Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), la bandera blanco-amarilla del Vaticano, y la bandera albiazul de Nicaragua. Al fondo de la imagen se observa un póster grande que dice: "Juan Pablo II - El Pueblo de Sandino te Saluda". En primer plano se observa una persona sosteniendo un póster grande del sacerdote católico y revolucionario Gaspar García Laviana, quien luchó por la liberación de Nicaragua y su gente. Él murió en combate contra las fuerzas del dictador nicaragüense Anastasio Somoza Debayle en 1978.
Color slides
35 mm
Documentary photographs
Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional
John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005
García Laviana, Gaspar, 1941-1978
Political posters, Latin American
Revolution (Nicaragua : 1979)
Managua (Nicaragua)
Richard Cross Photographs
California State University Northridge. University Library. Special Collections & Archives. Tom & Ethel Bradley Center

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