Teach-in on the implications of People's Park (Episode 7 of 8)
[KPFA] Brown, Martin Humphrey, Cliff Bodenheimer, Thomas Goodman, Mitchell Lampe, Keith Temko, Allan Hoving, Thomas Weisberg, Barry Van der Ryn, Sim Greenway, Robert Snyder, Gary Welch, Lew
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On May 28, 1969, two weeks after the first street fighting in connection with People's Park, there was an all-day teach-in entitled """"The Politics of Ecology"""" at Lower Sproul Plaza on the University of California, Berkeley campus, which was broadcast live on KPFA. Speakers addressed themselves to various aspects of the Park - urban planning, ecology, politics. There was a poster series about ecology presented by Ecology Action, and the San Francisco Mime Troupe Guerrilla Band performed. This program contains excerpts of the teach-in concerning various aspects, both concrete and symbolic, of People's Park. The speakers on Reel 1 are Martin Brown, teaching assistant for the """"Social Responsibility of the Scientist"""" course at University of California, Berkeley; Cliff Humphrey from Ecology Action; Dr. Thomas Bodenheimer of the Medical Committee for Human Rights; Mitchell Goodman, one of the defendants in the """"Boston Five"""" conspiracy trial; Keith Lampe, ecology writer for the """"Berkeley Barb"""" and co-founder of the Yippies; Allan Temko (1924-2006), architectural critic and writer; and Thomas Hoving (1931-2009), parks commissioner for New York City under Mayor John Lindsay. The speakers on Reel 2 are Barry Weisberg of the Bay Area Institute; telegrams by Paul Goodman and Jane Jacobs are read aloud; Sim Van der Ryn, architect; Robert Greenway, vice chancellor for academic planning at the University of California, Santa Cruz; Gary Snyder (1930 - ), poet; and Lew Welch (1926 - 1971), poet, who reads his poem """"The Song Mt. Tamalpais Sings."""" This program was aired a year after the incident, as part of a series of programs on Pacifica Radio's KPFA-FM examining what happened that day.
Protests, demonstrations, vigils--Berkeley (Calif.) City planning--Berkeley (Calif.) Temko, Allan Hoving, Thomas, 1931-2009 Van der Ryn, Sim Snyder, Gary, 1930- Welch, Lew Weisberg, Barry Goodman, Mitchell Bodenheimer, Thomas Lampe, Keith Humphrey, Cliff Brown, Martin Greenway, Robert Jacobs, Jane, 1916-2006 Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972
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