This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation and Photo Friends.
Photograph was edited for publication purposes Photograph caption dated June 21, 1950 reads, "Maynard Penty, PBX installer, smiles approvingly as pretty Caroline C. Franke, Valley Times classified advertising department employe, tests 54-year-old telephone. Phone belongs to Penty who is helping to install multiple board in Times office." The article partially reads, "Maynard Penty, one of four workmen installing a multiple PBX board in the Valley Times main office, decided to play a joke on his boss, Homer Robinson. He lured the boss to the Times office with promises of showing him a brand new, modern headset...When Robinson arrived Penty, solemnly produced the headset -- a Wilhelm intercommunication telephone made in Buffalo, N. Y., April 7, 1896."
1 photographic print :b&w ;26 x 21 cm. Photographic prints
Valley Times (Firm) Valley Times (Firm)--Employees Telephone--California--Los Angeles--Private branch exchanges Newspaper employees--California--Los Angeles Men--California--Los Angeles Women--California--Los Angeles Telephones Antiques--California--Los Angeles North Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) Valley Times Collection photographs
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