Image of an advertisement for subscriptions to the American Agriculturist for the year 1867; vignettes with animals, flowers, produce, a farm, a child, and a family surround descriptive text and pricing for the periodical. "John A. Gray & Green, Printers, 16 & 18 Jacob Street."--text, bottom right margin. "Entered according to act of Congress in December, 1866, by Orange Judd & Co., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York."--text, bottom left margin. "A good, cheap, and very valuable paper for every man, woman, and child, in city, village, and country. Established in 1842, Vol. XXVI. for 1867. Separate English & German Editions... Orange Judd & Co., Publishers, try it a year. 41 Park Row, New-York."--text, center of image.
1 engraving : uncolored ; overall 97.16 x 66.36 cm (38 1/4 x 26 1/8 in.)
Advertising--Agriculture Animals--Pictorial works Families--Pictorial works Flowers--Pictorial works Horses--Pictorial works Livestock--Pictorial works Intaglio prints--1850-1875. (gmgpc)
Huntington Prints and Ephemera Collection Agriculture Large Size Prints and Ephemera, Huntington Digital Library
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