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Image / 197 East Blithedale, 1910 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983

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197 East Blithedale, 1910 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983
unknown Warren A., Staiger
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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197 East Blithedale, "Roseland" Home of Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fenton. This wood frame cottage is seen with a few stairs leading up to a porch across the front. There are two double-hung windows centered in the attic space above, a central door to the main floor from the porch and two windows to the right. What appear to be climbing roses cover the left portion of the porch. A small child is seen on the porch and a man and woman standing across from one another on the three steps betwwn the sidewalk and the front yard. The notation on the back of the photo states that these people are not the Fentons, but are Dorothy and George Hearst.
East Blithedale

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