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Image / Inez Jackson and Mary Root

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Inez Jackson and Mary Root
Unknown (Creator)
Contributing Institution
San José State University, Special Collections and Archives
YWCA of Silicon Valley Collection
Rights Information
Copyright is assigned to the San Jose State University Special Collections & Archives. All requests for permission to publish or quote from this collection must be submitted in writing to the Director of Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Special Collections & Archives. Copyright restrictions may apply to digital reproductions of the original materials. Use of digital files is restricted to research and educational purposes. For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact San Jose State University Special Collections & Archives department.
Photograph shows Inez Jackson and Mary Root standing at a table with a large open box and many different objects on it. There is a sign on the table that reads: "From the 1926 cornerstone." Some of the objects include a Bible, newspapers, and a pipe. Inez Jackson has an old photograph in her hands and Mary Root is handling what may be an overstuffed white envelope.
On verso of scanned copy: "Opening the Corner Stone at Cambrian. Eleanor Reed, Mary Root". On verso of duplicate copy: "Inez Jackson, Mary Root". "The building at 210 S. Second St. closed May 31, 1973. Lois Cullison the YW's top administrator, removed the cornerstones of 1915 and 1926, and gave plaques of appreciation to the employees, some of whom were losing their jobs." From Fran Smith, "Breaking Ground:The Daring Women of the YWCA in the Santa Clara Valley, 1905-2005, " (2005), p. 94.
Scanned with Epson Perfection V700 photo; as a 600 dpi TIFF image in 24-bit RGB color. Auto Level image processing applied and compressed into JPEG format using Photoshop CS3
10 x 8 in.
filename: ywca_1960_169
islandora: 82_437
Young Women's Christian Association
African Americans
Time capsules
YWCA of Silicon Valley Collection

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