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Sound / Oral history interview with Thomas Chappell

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Oral history interview with Thomas Chappell
Chappell, Thomas
Maxie, Betty (interviewer)
Eidson, Myrna (transcriber)
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Honnold Mudd Library. Special Collections
Contributing Institution
Claremont Colleges Library
California Water Documents
Rights Information
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Rights Holder and Contact
Upland Public Library Local History Collection
For more information on the copyright or about this image, please contact the Upland Public Library at (909) 931-4205 or
These recordings are of an interview with Thomas Chappell, who was the only Zanjero in Upland when the interview took place in 1977. Chappell was born in 1921 and moved to Cucamonga in 1923. His parents owned Chappell Dairy from 1925 to 1937. In 1947 or 1948 Chappell applied for the Zanjero position at the San Antonio Water Company. After being hired he learned all of the duties of a Zanjero from Roy Harris and James C. McCoy. In the interview, Chappell described how water is delivered to the people living in Ontario. He discussed how water was pulled from the wells in the area and how some of the water comes from the San Antonio Canyon via irrigation systems. He described the underground tunnel, how it caught surface water, and how gravity pulled the water to reservoirs. Chappell described his duties as a Zanjero, how he had to turn off the water during the winter and schedule when he turned on irrigation, and he explained the measurements he used to deliver the correct amount of water to the customers. Towards the end of the interview, Chappell brought up some of the challenges he faced working as a Zanjero for the San Antonio Water Company.
Oral histories
San Antonio Water Company
Upland (Calif.)
Upland (Calif.): 34.09751
Upland (Calif.): -117.64838759999998
Audio cassette tape, 1 cassette tape, Oral History #43: San Antonio Water Company Oral History Collection, Upland Public Library Local History Collection.

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