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Image / Coulter's Dry Goods Company

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Coulter's Dry Goods Company
Alternative Title
Security Pacific National Bank Photo Collection
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Four locations for Coulter's Dry Goods Company showing the company's early history. Upper left, 1878 - 1879 Downey Block: Exterior of the first store, a 19 x 39 feet space, corner of Temple and Spring Sts. The sign over the entrance states B. F. Coulter. Upper right, 1879 - 1883 Baker Block: Exterior of Coulter's at 332-334 N. Main St. Lower left, 1878 - 1898 Second & Spring: Coulter's at the Hollenbeck Block in a two-story building with bay windows and a cupola. The sign above the store reads "B. F. Coulter, Proprietor". A street car is in front of the building and a horse and buggy stands at the curb. A multi-tiered utility pole is on the corner. Lower right, 1898 - 1905 317-325 S. Broadway: The front of Coulter's in the ground floor of the Laughlin Building. Photos dated: Between 1878 and 1898.
1 photograph :b&w
Photographic prints
Security Pacific National Bank Collection
L.A.-Shops and stores-Department stores-Coulter's.; N-000-240 8x10
Coulter's Dry Goods Company
Downey Block (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Baker Block (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Hollenbeck Block (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Homer Laughlin Building (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Stores & shops--California--Los Angeles
Department stores--California--Los Angeles
Storefronts--California--Los Angeles
Lost architecture--California--Los Angeles
Streets--California--Los Angeles
Downtown Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Calif.)

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