Tricarico, Giuseppe, 1623-1697 Composer Passarelli, Almerico Librettist Spada di S. Susanna, Cardinal Dedicatee Favorita, Antonio Licensor Bernardis, Giovanni Battista Licensor
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
In Ferrara Per Francesco Suzzi Stamp. Cam. Con Licenza de'Superiori
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Prologue and three acts; coat of arms on title page; librettist's dedication--p. 5-6; foreword--p. 7-8; prologue "Poesia, e Merito sopra un Globo di Nubi"--p. 11-16; imprimatur--p. [107]; "Errori più notabili"--p. [109]-[110]. "Vidit Antonius Fauoritus e' Societate Iesu S. Offici j Ferrarien.... Ecclesie. approbauit. Imprimatur Io. B. Bernardus Archid. Vic. Cap. ; Stante supradicta Attestatione. Imprimatur. F. Almericus a' Plasentia Sac. Theolog. Mag. & S. Officij Ferrarie. Vic. Gener."--p. [107] Endimione first performed at the Teatro degli Intrepidi--New Grove "Si fa' il Ballo [dalle Dame, e Caualieri]"--p. 46, [110]. "Ballo de Matazzini con varie forze"--p. 78 US-BEm
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