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Image / Konko Church of Gardena, view 5

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Konko Church of Gardena, view 5
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Photographers Photo Collection;
Allen, Jeff
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
A large copy of the creed of the Konko¯kyo¯ faith outside the Konko Church of Gardena, located at 15722 S. Normandie Ave. The creed reads, "We believe in Tenchi-Kane-no-Kami (Divine Principle and Parent of the Universe) The Principle Parent (God) thinks only of helping people, nothing else. Therefore, the Principle Parent will never let you have an experience which has no meaning. You should continue to practice your faith. Your experiences will result in divine blessings." At the top of the creed is the crest of the Konko¯kyo¯ religion, which is the Japanese character for "gold" (kin) enclosed in a circle with eight petals. In 1885, Konko¯kyo¯ was registered as a type of Shinto Sect by the Japanese government. According to Konko¯kyo¯ beliefs, suffering is seen as being caused by individual disregard of the relationship between all things, which are believed to be in profound interrelation with each other. Human experience can be improved in this world by gratitude, the offering of apologies, mutual help and prayer. Photo dated: December 30, 2006.
1 photographic print :color
Photographic prints
Jeff Allen Houses of Worship Collection; Los Angeles Photographers Collection;
Konko Churches of America
Konko Church of Gardena
Church buildings--California--Gardena
Gardena (Calif.)
Los Angeles Photographers Collection photographs
Jeff Allen Houses of Worship Collection photographs

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