Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 Public Domain. Release under the CC BY Attribution license-- both “University of Southern California. Libraries” and “California Historical Society” as the source. Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Library; From the California Historical Society Collection at the University of Southern California Send requests to address or e-mail given USC Libraries Special Collections
Photograph (streetscape, horizontal photography) of a panoramic view of Los Angeles from the Athletic building, on the corner of Olive Street and 7th Street, ca.1913. Hill Street runs from left to right with 7th Street (center) intersecting it. One block ahead is the 7th Street and Olive Street intersection. The cityscape is thriving with commercial buildings. Notable buildings include the First Methodist Episcopal Church (left), the Bullock's department store building (center), R.D. Bronson Desk Co. (center), and Hotel Lankershim (center). Several buildings are under construction (one at left, one to the right). Mountains are visible to the left. CHS-5814 -- Legible signs include: "[...]rk rink [s]kating", "[Thomas?] Campbell & Co.", "Butler's", "Johnston photos", "814, 816, Sing Fat Co.", "pool", "First Methodist Episcopal Church", "Mammoth Shoe House, 519 So. B'dway", "Myer Siegel & Co., wearing apparel for women, misses and children", "Higgins building, absolutely fireproof", "Trustee Property, 424", "Broadway Central building, fire proof, light offices for rent, the Trustee Co., second floor", "[...]rier", "[...]x building", "Steckle studio and art gallery", "[Bla]ckstone Co., [...]ods, cloaks, [milli]nery , [...]", "International savings and [...]", "all jewelers sell Elgin watches", "Alhambra Hotel", "Wright-Callender-Andrews Co., fortunes in Los Angeles realty". CHS-5813 -- Legible signs include: "Hotel Chickasaw, European", "Varney & Green", "National Engraving Company", "[...] theatre building, absolutely fireproof, [...] & Morgan architects", "[Pant]ages [Theatre], [American & E]uropean [artists of] repute, matinee [prices...]", "the Paris S[hop]", "H. Jevne Co.", "[S]ecurity building, [Secu]rity [Tr]ust and [Sav]ings [Ba]nk, [safe depo]sit vaults", "Ralph's [Grocery] Co.", "Lissn[...]", "8 years [...]", "el co[...]", "[...]mun Hardware Co.", "tent", "Pacific Garment [...]", "Walter P. Story building", "Mullen & Bluett Clothing Co.". CHS-5812 -- Legible signs include: "Hotel Hayward, absolutely fireproof", "strictly one price, Pease Bros., better furniture, better carpets, better draperies, better trade here", "Los Angeles Ice & Cold Storage Co.", "Southern Pacific", "Centra[...]", "[...]er Truck & Storage Co.", "Rivers Bros. Co.", "the Coca-cola Co.", "Eastern Outfitting Co., 'say!, your credit is good here', adjoining Huntington bldg., furniture, carpets, draperies, houses furnished complete", "Union Oil building", "Bullock's", "R.D. Bronson Desk Co. Inc., office furniture, safes", "Dromgold Sign Co.". CHS-5811 -- Legible signs include: "Vista apartments", "use L.A. Gas", "Cloud first class furnished rooms", "Cooper, Coate & Casey Dry Goods Co.", "Hoffman House, cigar 5 cents", "Orvell's", "greatest bargain, furniture store", "Gem furniture store, unlimited credit", "bar", "Dr. P. Vorhees, dentist", "shoes", "Hotel Lankershim", "Rossit[...]", "lofts to let", "Salzman, Baruch & Co., manufacturers, cloaks, suits", "Muller & Raas Co., wholesale, millinery", "C.A. Priest, ladies tailoring", "Sanborn, Vail & Co.", "Joseph's, removal sale, will move to 912, 914 S. Broadway, this store for rent", "Z.L. Parmelee Co., manufacturers of [...]", "Pla[...] Music Co., Haddoff [...]", "Westland [...]". CHS-5810 -- Legible signs include: "B[...], mattresses, bedding, upholstering, table, linens, stoves, water heaters, kitchenware, chinaware, office and bank furnishings, filing devices, shades, wallpaper, [...], pottery, furniture, carpets, oriental & [...]", "[Whiting]-Mead [...] Co., building material", "theatre", "the Unique, [...] house", "foy for joy!", "empress", "Boss overall factory", "Los Angeles Enameling Co.", "National Sign Co.", "Califo[rnia], drapery, upholstery, orient[al]", "Swo[r?]di, millinery, importer", "Terril, dressmaker and importer". CHS-5809 -- Legible signs include: "Express [...]", "Colorado cloak & suit house, your credit is good", "L.A. Business College", "Tuec Co.", "Isaacs-Woodberry Business College", "the Jonquil", "Perc[...]", "Hotel Yale", "Los Angeles Desk Co., complete office furniture [...], filing cabinets, safes, branch store [...]", "works".
-118.24358,34.0561 -118.24192,34.05371 -118.25316,34.04658 -118.25294,34.04813 -118.2476,34.04971 -118.24757,34.04717 -118.25291,34.04673 -118.25295,34.04699 -118.24958,34.0469 -118.2506,34.04552 -118.25329,34.04477 -118.25516,34.04696 -118.25087,34.04622 -118.23668,34.03423 -118.25462,34.04196 -118.25407,34.04636 -118.25409,34.04643 -118.25263,34.04341 -118.25596,34.04311 -118.25459,34.04641 Bronson Desk Company Bullocks Central Park Colorado Cloak and Suit House Consolidated Realty Building Eastern Outfitting Company The Easton Eshman Building Forrester Building Hamburger's Department Store Hotel Hayward Hotel Lankershim Los Angeles Athletic Club Los Angeles Business College Los Angeles Desk Company Meller and Raas Mommoth Shoe Shop Motel Vogel Pease Brothers The Percival Pershing Square Sanborn Vail and Company Terril Dressmakers Union Oil Building Wright and Callendar Building California Downtown Los Angeles Los Angeles Olive Street West Seventh Street Eighth Street Hill Street Broadway USA
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