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Image / A mobilized crowd seeks justice, Nicaragua, 1983

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A mobilized crowd seeks justice, Nicaragua, 1983
Cross, Richard, 1950-1983
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
California State University, Northridge
Contributing Institution
California State University, Northridge
Richard Cross Photographs (Bradley Center)
Rights Information
Use of images from the collections of the Tom & Ethel Bradley Center is strictly prohibited by law without prior written consent from the copyright holders. The responsibility for the use of these materials rests exclusively with the user.
The Bradley Center may assist in obtaining copyright/licensing permission to use images from the Richard Cross collection.
A large crowd participates in a funeral procession as they walk to a burial ground following a demonstration held in honor of a group of young men murdered by Contras in Managua's Plaza 19 de Julio. Many in the crowd are carying and waving large red flags, the red-and-black flag of the Sandinista National Liberation Front and the blue-and-white flag of Nicaragua. In the background of the image several large military vehicles transport many more participants to the burial of the young men. On the right side of the image a cream-colored Toyota FJ Cruiser police cruiser sits parked amongst the crowd. Many in the crowd are wearing olive green-colored military uniforms.
Una gran multitud participa en una procesión fúnebre, la cual siguió después de una manifestación organizada en la Plaza 19 de Julio de Managua en honor a un grupo de muchachos asesinados por contras. Muchos entre la multitud sostienen grandes banderas rojas, la bandera rojinegra del Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional y la bandera albiazul de Nicaragua. Al fondo de la imagen se observan varios vehículos militares grandes transportando a muchos más manifestantes al entierro de los muchachos. A la derecha de la imagen se observa una patrulla policiaca modelo Toyota FJ Cruiser color crema, estacionada entre la multitud. Muchos entre la multitud portan uniforme militar de color verde olivo.
Color slides
35 mm
Documentary photographs
Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional
Funeral rites and ceremonies
Vehicles, Military
Nicaragua. Ejército Popular Sandinista
Revolution (Nicaragua : 1979)
Managua (Nicaragua)
Richard Cross Photographs
California State University Northridge. University Library. Special Collections & Archives. Tom & Ethel Bradley Center

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