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/ Oral History of Louis Ferrario

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Oral History of Louis Ferrario
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In this oral history, artist Louis Ferrario reminisces about his long life lived in Mill Valley. Born in Point Richmond in 1925 to Italian immigrant parents, Louis's family soon moved over to Mill Valley, where his father had worked on building the railway and the Mt. Tamalpais gravity cars before going on to work for the city's maintenance department. Louis recalls the untimely deaths of his mother and sisters, and poignantly describes the special relationship he had with his father, with whom he lived until the latter's death. Louis recounts the various Mill Valley schools he attended, his experiences in the Army late in World War II, which took him to Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, and his career after the war as an artist and art teacher. Throughout this oral history, Louis nostalgically evokes the cherished Mill Valley of his childhood, a town where if you walked past a fire station around lunchtime, you might very well be invited to sit down and have a sandwich with the firemen.
1929 Fire
Esposti's Soda Fountain
Ferrario, Liberato
Ferrario, Mary
Ferrario, Pasqualina
Gravity cars
Lockwood's Pharmacy
Mill Valley & Mt. Tamalpais Scenic Railway
Mountain railroads
Railroad construction & maintenance
World War II

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